The SDS as a left-wing university politics active group

The SDS of Marburg is a socialist and plural student association, which is independent and democratically based. We campaign especially within collaborations of interested people and other democratic groups as well as in a solidary and critical relation to the party DIE LINKE for the concerns and interests of the students, like social justice and a better educational system.

In doing so we attempt to develop an emancipatory policy founded on feminist, Marxist, anti-capitalist and anti-oppression positions. The commitment for a stronger emancipation of minorities and disadvantaged groups of persons as well as the fight against fascism is thereby especially important to us.

The perception of collegiate interests on so many different levels, for example the Student Parliament (Stupa), different departments of the General Student Committee (AstA), the Council of Elders or on urban policy level, as well as their sustainable and public-oriented articulation and enforcement form the core component of our work.


University politics concern you too!

For example in form of (changed) examination regulations at the university department that bring more examination requirements, compulsory attendance or quick removal from the register of students. Or of a point and achievement system that holds studying in numbers and destroys the space for self-determined learning. With our work in education politics we're trying to take back a piece of said space.

The impacts of the neo-liberal restructuring of the university's system (among others bachelor and master) are visible everywhere. Therefore an organized representation of students interests is even more important to make a stand against the thinking of only efficiency. This is also a union's fight so a close cooperation with unions is important to us

Because of the SDS's dedication in university politics it is possible to support the diverse forms of solidarity, ecological and antifascist spaces of action and living same as progressive groups in Marburg personally and financially.